Nick Williams
(415) 692-HTTP

About Me

I'm a business-minded software engineer with over 15 years of full stack experience. I feel most at home when I'm in over my head.

I've written my own open source web framework and ORM, built a computer into the dash of my car, won first prize at a hackathon judged by GM executives, and crewed a company from startup through two acquisitions.

Technical Profile

  • Languages

    TypeScript JavaScript PHP Java Scala Groovy Bash Ruby Lua C C++ SQL HTML CSS Terraform
  • Platforms

    Node.js LAMP Java EE Rails
  • Notalble Tools/Technologies

    Amazon DynamoDB Amazon EC2 Amazon Kinesis Amazon Lambda Amazon RDS Amazon SNS Amazon SQS Serverless AWS GCP Git GitHub GitHub Actions Vagrant Puppet Docker Jenkins Travis CI Splunk Datadog Maven Sentry Segment Ant OSGi JUnit Smali / Baksmali Nest.js Grunt Backbone.js Marionette.js Mocha.js Sinon.js jQuery Handlebars Mustache Bootstrap Behat/Gherkin Solar PHP PHPUnit Android SDK iOS SDK Memcache Cassandra Redis REST GraphQL JSON-RPC MQTT SOAP WebSockets OAuth TypeORM

Education & Credentials

  • Bachelor of Science, August 2006

    Dual focus in Computer Science & Business
    University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA
  • Certified ScrumMaster, April 19, 2013

    Scrum Alliance, Cert ID 0002509111

Professional Experience


    Senior Staff Software Engineer

    Augmedix, Inc.

    November 2020 - Present
    • Architected one of our core backend services through 3 iterations, starting as a serverless cloud-native application and then through two major releases as a monolithic containerized application as needs for the service shifted over time.
      Amazon DynamoDB Amazon Lambda AWS GCP Nest.js Node.js Serverless
    • Re-engineered some of our legacy systems to increase the velocity of our engineering teams by up to 5x.
      Amazon EC2 GraphQL Nest.js Node.js REST Typescript
    • Planned and implemented an overhaul of our CI/CD system for backend services with a focus on improving code stability, test coverage, and eliminating manual steps prone to human error.
      Bash GitHub Actions Groovy Jenkins
    • Coordinated across multiple teams to build a distributed system for managing the state of scribe notes remotely and in real time. This system improved scribe efficiency by automating nearly 75% of the note creation process.
      Amazon DynamoDB Amazon Kinesis Amazon Lambda Serverless Terraform Typescript WebSockets

    Senior Software Engineer

    Proxy Inc.

    July 2019 - April 2020
    • Served as the primary maintainer for Proxy's Core API services which supported embedded devices, customer-facing web applications, and more recently other API services.
      Amazon EC2 Node.js REST RethinkDB
    • Worked with our engineering team in Sweden to build out a set of serverless API services designed to support our new modernized dashboard.
      Amazon Lambda Amazon RDS Amazon SNS Amazon SQS MySQL Node.js REST TypeScript TypeORM
    • Project lead for the buildout of an Integrations API, supporting all of Proxy's onsite customer deployments.
      Amazon Lambda Amazon RDS MySQL Node.js REST TypeScript TypeORM

    Software Engineer

    Smartcar Inc.

    February 2018 - January 2019
    • Streamlined the engineering team's software development process to favor transparency and efficiency for small teams.
    • A primary contributor to the company's core product, a unified OEM-agnostic REST API for connected vehicles.
      Node.js PostgreSQL Redis Lua
    • Analyzed, decompiled, and inspected third-party mobile applications in order to understand/document their backend API communications.
      Java Smali / Baksmali Android SDK iOS SDK REST JSON-RPC WebSockets MQTT
    • Designed and implemented internal libraries to communicate with vehicle OEM APIs. These were derived from formal documentation provided directly, and/or from information obtained through mobile app inspection.
      Node.js PostgreSQL Redis REST JSON-RPC WebSockets MQTT

    Software Engineer

    TIBCO Software Inc. (Mashery)

    July 2012 - December 2017
    • Managed local and remote teams (domestic and in Pune, India) for specific projects and efforts. Spearheaded efforts to pursue agile methodologies (primarily scrum), serving as scrum master and providing guidance to other scrum teams.
    • Shepherded our products and assets through two major acquisitions. Assisted in transitioning our codebases to exist and operate in new infrastructure and changing priorities and security requirements.
    • A primary contributor in multiple key facets of the product and supporting services including:
      • Public Developer Portal & Legacy Administration Dashboard
        PHP MySQL Memcache Cassandra JavaScript HTML CSS
      • Second-Generation Administration Dashboard (Control-Center)
        JavaScript Backbone.js Marionette.js HTML CSS
      • Internally-Consumed APIs
        Java EE PHP MySQL Memcache Cassandra JSON RPC REST
      • Unit Testing
        PHPUnit JUnit Mocha.js Sinon.js
      • Functional Testing
        PHP Behat Gherkin
      • API Testing
      • Local Development Environment
        Bash Ruby Vagrant Puppet Docker
    • Assisted in manual after-hours production code deployments, providing real time support and monitoring of relevant logs and test results.
      Splunk PHP Java Linux Bash

      Software Engineer

      Monitise Americas (Clairmail)

      January 2012 - July 2012
      Java EE JavaScript HTML 5 CSS 3 REST SOAP

      Web Application Developer

      SiteCrafting, Inc.

      September 2007 - January 2012
      Linux Apache MySQL PHP JavaScript HTML CSS

      Software Developer

      Customer Feedback, LLC

      August 2006 - September 2007
      Java EE Oracle Crystal Reports Flash ActionScript